The Party will return, better than ever!
Since 2005: We’re the longest-running wedding event in the Fraser Valley!
Featuring local vendors to help make your day perfect!
Create a CUSTOM wedding with the things that are really important to YOU!

Still deciding what type of wedding you want?
This is the perfect opportunity to explore what’s available, compare pricing, and fill in a ballot for a chance to WIN prizes from our Exhibitors!
ALL engaged couples are welcome at this proudly inclusive event.
The Fraser Valley Wedding Festival was proud to present the following exhibitors on
October 27th , 2024 at the Clarion Abbotsford
- Amazing Cakes
- BC Wedding Guides
- Beautifully Embraced
- Black Aspen
- Cake Savvy
- Casalinga Catering
- Cirque Des Mortes
- Clarion Abbotsford
- East Abbotsford Dental
- Elegance Jewels
- Embellished Beauty
- Gladwin Dental
- Gourmet Lunch Ladies
- Hazelnut Inn
- Hello Fresh
- Hems in a Hurry
- High Quality Rentals
- Hillside Events at Ledgeview Golf course
- Lightwater Cove
- Lilypad Designs
- Marion Estates
- The Marshall Focus
- Moores Clothing
- Morija Designs
- PalaTable Caterers
- Peachy Press
- Rebecca Bennett Photography
- Rose James Rentals
- Sensational Cookies
- Shannon Dupuis Real Estate
- Nadia Causley Mortgage Broker
- Simply Lotus Designs
- Spin Doctor
- Twinography Studio
- Unico Tattoo
- Valley Limo
- Whitney Marie Patisserie
- Young, Hip & Married